Where the Sun Shines

Since 2003 I have worked with Canada World Youth and Change for Children in many places throughout Africa and Latin America. This website has served as a medium to share my experiences, to tell my stories from "the field". This year (2010) I will be returning to Mozambique to work as a project supervisor again with Canada World Youth.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Waiting for Vadim

So it's a Friday night and I am behind my computer -typing away as I try to finish my "Ed Plan" for the program- which entails writing out all our learning objectives, in relation to the enivronment, local economy, social services, being human, etc, etc.... It's shaping up and I am happy to say I should have it in on time -today sometime- hopefully soon as I am getting a little tired...

Its been hard to concentrate as I am literally on-call for Vadim and his arrival location, time and date. He left Kaliningrad (Russia) on Thursday and was headed to Warsaw (Poland) in hopes of finding a seat sale and a ticket over here to see me. So since he left I have been waiting anxiously by the phone hoping each time it rings it will be him on the other end of the line.

Meanwhile, it's crazy hot here and my tiny little apartment is like a little sweatlodge especially between the hours of 3pm and 6pm, when the outside air seems hottest. I am getting used to it,however I think it would be really nice if I took those hours off to go visit the freezing cold waters of the mountain lake at Martha Creek up by the damn or to take a swim at Williams Lake located just a few minutes out of town.

I am crossing my fingers that the next time I write I will be happy to say Vadim has arrived safe and sound and we are planning our wedding and future life together in Russia and/or Canada.

Monday, August 01, 2005

34 days to go...

It's crazy, I am not entirely sure where the month of July went but its gone as its August already and I was just reminded by one of my participants that the count down has begun -there are officially now only 34 days to go till my team of 18 youth arrive here in BC and we begin our 6 month journey on the Canada World Youth soul train! I better enjoy some down time now, as I am expecting one heck of a ride! It's already getting pretty busy with recruiting all my host families, and work placements, preparing the participant orientation camp, communnity orientation week, the team budget, expenses, the educational plan, etc...

Despite the stress and anticipation of the participants' arrival in early September things have been going pretty good here. I have made a few friends and have been out hiking, biking and swimming, enjoying the beautiful mountain environment. I have been trying to bike more as its a pretty small town and really I am doing an "Eco-Leadership" program so I should use my CWY car as little as possible.

I am very excited to announce that Vadim is due to arrive this week, as he finally got his visa last Friday from the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw. So I am getting ready to make another road trip to Calgary to go pick him up! My sister, Ali, is also due to arrive this week, she plans to head out this way mid to late August and find some temporary work out here and save up a little tuition money before she heads back to Germany in October to start university there! That's right- my little sister Ali is doing University in German!