Made it Home!
5 flights later and nearly 48 hours of travel and layovers I finally made it home...exhausted and with a cold that I have been battling with all week. Although the flights were long I had the fortunate opportunity of watching some amazing films on my way home. I LOVE the new system on BA where you can choose the films and when to watch them when you like. I watched: Bobby, In Pursuit of Happiness, Freedom Writters, and the Last King of Scotland. All of which I felt dealt with different forms of struggle, many of which included racial issues. I felt in some ways the films were sending me a message- that I must continue to work in areas that bring awareness to these struggles and in areas that strive to improve such hardships- as they are unfair and injust! Not sure if I was just deeply emotional when watching the films due to my lack of sleep, the emotions I have been feeling as I leave Africa for an indefinite amount of time, the forecasted culture shock of returning back home once again, or not, but somehow I thought that since I seem to understand and sympathsize with these struggles that I must continue to act and do something about them. In any case its just a thought that went through my mind as I reflected on what all these films meant to me as I travelled thousands and thousands of kilometres from Africa to North America.
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