Where the Sun Shines

Since 2003 I have worked with Canada World Youth and Change for Children in many places throughout Africa and Latin America. This website has served as a medium to share my experiences, to tell my stories from "the field". This year (2010) I will be returning to Mozambique to work as a project supervisor again with Canada World Youth.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Busy Times

strangely enough everyone seems to be getting sick and falling ill. I have had my battles with the bathroom, but luckily as of the last while I have been doing fairly well and have been somewhat "regular"however the majority of the team has been dealing with one thing or another and we have been busy visiting the local hospital in Manhica, the pharmacy, then in many cases heading to Maputo for a second opinion and in most cases a new diagnosis!

As of three days ago I have been in Maputo with 2 to 3 participants, most of which have had similar symptoms. One participant lost 7 kilos in one month since we last saw the doctor in January. Many others have also lost significant amounts of weight, I think its a comibination of the water, heat and diet of Manhica.

It has been unfortuate that this last string of illnesses has been the same time as our final debriefing camp at Belene on the beach, as I have missed it completely taken care of our sick Canadian participants.


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