Where the Sun Shines

Since 2003 I have worked with Canada World Youth and Change for Children in many places throughout Africa and Latin America. This website has served as a medium to share my experiences, to tell my stories from "the field". This year (2010) I will be returning to Mozambique to work as a project supervisor again with Canada World Youth.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Photos from Mozambique

I am posting a couple photos of my host family, and other sights here in Mozambique. Enjoy!

Here is a great photo of my host great grandma "Avo" and my host cousin. We have had several family relatives come for the holidays.

Here is Celeste, a 16 year old girl who lives with us and works for my host family, doing the cleanign and cooking. She has been a lot of fun and very helpful, especially when I need someone to help me chase the frogs out of the bathroom or fetch water for bathing!

This is a photo taken at the Beach- Praia Belene( about 1hr drive from the host community). We went as a group 2 weeks ago! The water was so warm and wonderful!I took my host mother as a special treat!

This is a photo of the river that runs along the host community. There is a great little hangout where the participants often go to hang out and enjoy the breeze!

This is a photo of my host mother- Maezinha! She is a lot of fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, good to find out that you are doing well and enjoying life in Africa. Send me a line (cleofehurtado.at.hotmail.com) to catch up. All the best in this New Year. Cheers!

4:38 AM  

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